Sunday, October 12, 2014

Methow Valley Report

The Methow Valley is surely most beautiful this time of year (though winter comes close). Even after the worst fire season on record the valley seems richer in color and clear air than I've ever seen it. Here's Pearrygin Lake in the late afternoon:

That's what I'm talking about
Painting at the beaver pond at Chickadee trailhead:

The burn site we visited turned out to be the most inspiring painting location of all, partly because of how well it resolved into light, middle and dark layers, but mostly, I believe, because it encouraged a dramatic, emotional interpretation. I'd get all sappy if I start listing the complex feelings we all had there. I'll just say it made better painters of us, at least for a while.

I strongly urge you to get over there before the snow arrives, so you can take the North Cascades highway. I came down from Washington Pass into a vast bowl of moonlight that made it necessary to pull over. 
The local people all have astonishing stories to tell about the fires and flooding - tales of courageous neighbors, resignation and relief, a 25,000 foot cloud of smoke, the return of the green in the forest.
They could use your tourist dollars, right about now. 
These two paintings are for sale to benefit the recovery process. Please write to me at tom@hoffmannwatercolors if you're interested.

1 comment:

  1. these are brilliant! they catch the starkness, with added color glowing.. Nice.
    I worry about the bugs there.
