Thursday, February 13, 2014

Intermediate Watercolor Homework: More Trees

The tree painting session was fun and effective! Thank you, Peter, for that idea. I think we should build on the confidence that was beginning to appear in your brushwork. At some point it would be good to move from copying paintings to working from photographs. You decide when you're ready for that.

Start by finding a couple more painted tree passages that you like, and copying them until the technical demands are in your grasp. Next, look for a landscape photo that includes trees, and decide how you'd like to treat them: hard edges, soft edges, or both? Value range? Color? Composition? Don't forget to consider the role the trees play in the big picture. You may decide to change some aspects of them to better support the feeling you're after.

If you find that one variable or another keeps giving you trouble, devote some time and some decent paper to practicing that.
Here are a few image that may appeal to you:

Cathe Gill

David Taylor

Elliot O'Hara

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